The norm for how we work from offices is changing at a rapid pace. Whether that’s because of the effects of the pandemic, or just because technology is allowing for a change of work ethic, we cannot say. All we know is that it is changing. The same goes for how office spaces are painted.

It doesn’t matter if you’re working from your own personal office space, or if you’re a business owner looking to inspire productivity, there are some great trending colour choices. A lot of the colours that are trending shift towards a more natural and warm space, yet allow for some play, which will help with office motivation and mood. 

Splashes of colour in a neutral palette

It’s becoming more popular to create a more open and free environment for office workers, by creating a space that isn’t cluttered. A great way to complement the open space is by using colours that accentuate this trait, such as a neutral pallet.

There is a range of whites and beiges that give this sense of a classical office workspace and won’t become tiresome and predictable because you’ll be adding a few splashes of colour here and there on accent locations. Great choices include greens, blues and yellows. The white and accent colours allow for a sense of room and space, it’ll give the feeling of a modern and open place, where anyone can feel comfortable working.

There are a few colours recommended throughout this article that will work great accenting the white, so read on for some great trending colours.

Natural colours

Natural and earthy colours, like burgundy, dark brown and deep reds, have all a sense of grounding oneself in a room. For this palette, you’ll want to stay away from bright colours, and instead focus on the warmer side of things. You can introduce some soft pastels colours and inspire some colour into the room, but be delicate in your choice, and try matching your decor with this colour, like a painting or vase.

Soft greens

Soft, natural greens are very in season at the moment and are a great colour to help keep the mood and motivation at a high level. Moss and sage greens are wonderful to use as either a feature wall in an office space or as an accent to go with warm beiges. Green gives a sense of a new beginning, whether that new beginning is you working from home in your own private workspace, or for your workers in a cozy new environment.

Warm beige

I think we saw this one is coming, didn’t we? There’s an odd timelessness to beige that helps anyone in the room feel like they’re in a professional, yet welcoming space. If you’ve decided to go with beige, try not to go overboard, as it can look too professional and give a sense of sameness and tiredness. So try adding some black accents or have fun with some softer reds and greens.

Happy yellow

Yellow is one of those colours that can really bring a room together. Yellow is a colour that gives people a sense of happiness, as it relates to the warmth of the sun and sunny beaches. You usually don’t need much yellow. Try some bold yellows, either as an accent or for the furnishing, in a more neutral coloured room, like off white. It’ll turn the space from boring, to fun and inviting, yet keeping it settled and professional.

Keep it trendy with pink

You may think it would look garish and unprofessional, but you would be wrong. Current societal norms are changing, and so is our outlook on people. The future is looking into inviting more diversity and lifestyles. There should be room to reflect that in colour, and pink is a great one to choose. If we can have a rich and fun colour in a professional environment, such as pink, we’re moving in the right direction.

There are a lot of beautiful pink colours to pick from that would go great in almost any room. Soft pink invites a sense of sweetness and pleasantness, yet still gives that professional look an office is looking for. For those open off white spaces, pinks, such as salmon, coral, lilly, and pale pink are all beautiful options to be used in an office space. The good thing about these colours is that they even go well together, and you can introduce a cool two or even three-tone effect along your walls and office spaces.

Time to get your office space painted.

So, you’ve decided on a colour, or colours to invite change and a new beginning in your office space. Now the next step is to get it done. The best way to go is with residential and commercial painting services. If you’re located in WA, there are some great painters in Perth that offer free quotes, and can even help you pick the right colours.